Ex Girlfriend [PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) Alone

after another few minutes he told her to use her hands to stroke the length of his penis while she sucked on the head, she complied and sucked half heartedly, earning another flick on her cheek as he told her to suck like she meant it, she nodded and started to suck and lick like he was a loli pop and she was eager to find the center, hoping this would make him happy, it did but only for a little while and then he told her to keep stroking him and suck on his balls, she kept stroking him but she deffinetly didnt want to suck his balls, that was just gross, he grabbed her hair and forced her head down, and when she cried out he pushed his balls into her mouth “suck!” she whimpered, tears starting to well up as she began to suck on his balls, they felt perky and heavy, and admittedly not as bad as she thought, but still it was her dad! after a little while he used both hands to guide her head back to his cock and make her take it all into her throat again, he felt even thicker and she could feel a slight pulsing against her tongue as he began to move her head up and down while thrusting his hips, he was going hard and fast and she began to panic cause she knew what was gonna happen, she didnt want to swallow her dads cum and she could taste a lot more of the precum coming out so she knew it wouldnt be long, she struggled to pull away and pushed on his hips and hands, shaking her head helplessly, as he groaned and began slamming his hips against her face, then he froze and she felt a hot thick rope of cum shoot the back of her throat before he began pumping her mouth wildly as more and more sprayed into her throat, she couldnt breathe and her mouth quickly filled up, and he was still cumming! “swallow it!” he shouted, jerking her hair until she reluctantly began to swallow, some began to dribble out of her mouth as she had a tiny mouth and it was coming out to hard and fast for her to swallow “you better swallow it all, dont let a drop go to waste young lady” he told her as he pumped out the rest of his load, even after he stopped cumming he held her down on his cock, feeling her throat contracting as she swallowed every last drop, finally he pulled out and she pulled away, gasping for breath and resisting the urge to run to the bathroom to throw it up, she knew she would just be in more trouble and to be honest it didnt taste horrible, but it was her dad and it was wrong, and she didnt know what to do about that. Learn more “yes dad?” she asked barely hiding a sigh of frustration “why where you home from school so early?” he asked sitting down next to her and stroking her back his hand running over her back, it kept grazing over her bra straps and she shrugged uncomfortably, subtly shifting so she was out of his reach “there was a malfunction with the schools computers and we couldn't do our work with them so everyone got sent home early” her dad looked at her disappointedly “that sounds like a load of bull, you arent lying to me are you?” she shook her head in confusion “no dad im not lying, why would i lie?” he sighed and put his hand on her hair, stroking “well you know me and mommy have our only alone time together when your at school, is that why you came home early, to disrupt that?” his hand started to fist in her hair and she got a worried look on her face “no dad i didnt know that, i swear there really was a computer problem you can check it out if you dont believe me” she grabbed at his hand and tried to pull his hand off, he just tightened his grip and lowered her head so she was face down on her bed “im really disappointed in you for lying to me, your gonna pay for that” he then pulled her pants down, his hand pushing her face into the bed as she struggled, then he pulled down her panties and pushed them down to her knees with her pants, he then pulled her over his lap, tucking her legs underneath one of his, pulling her hair hard when she tried to pull away “daddy! daddy what are you doing please stop your hurting me!” her hands clasped and clawed at his hand on her hair, screaming when his free hand smacked her ass cheeks hard “its not supposed to be pleasant Kelli, you lied to me and this is your punishment, now let go of my hand” Kelli kept clawing at his hand now and he smacked her again harder, pushing her face into the bed till she struggled to breathe and finally let go, he then let her up for air “good girl now take your punishment like a good girl, and dont say anything to your mom or you can expect a lot worse, she has a lot on her plate and she doesnt need to deal with this” Kelli nodded whimpering and still panting for breath when her dad shoved her face into the sheets again and his hand began raining down harsh smacks on her ass, she screamed into the bed and thrashed her legs, squirming and crying into the bed, quickly becoming short of breath with her face shoved into the sheets, every so often her dad would lift her just enough for her to gasp for breath before shoving her back down, he smacked her ass till both cheeks were flaming red then he just started rubbing her ass, trying to calm her as her sobs shook her whole body, he let go of her hair and slowly pulled her panties back up along with her pants, she was to upset to feel his hard cock pressing against her side and he quickly shifted her off of him “now im gonna call the school and see what really happened and ill be back soon ok sweetie?” Kelli pulled away from him and buried her face in her pillow as she tried to calm down, 15 minutes laters her dad came back “sweetie im really sorry i spanked you, it turns out you were telling the truth, it just sounded like a load of bull to me, let me make it better” Kelli whined as she felt him slipping her pants and panties down again, trying to pull away “no daddy please dont touch me” he just dragged her to him and over his lap again “now Kelli calm down im not gonna hurt you, im trying to help, so just hold still” he began to rub some cold ointment onto her stinging ass, she cried out at first, but soon it started to help and she quieted and calmed down, wiping her tears away, when he finished rubbing the cream in he fixed her pants and panties again “you know Kelli while im sorry that i spanked you for something you didnt do, upon further reflection you did need it, you were very bad for watching while me and mommy had our private time together” Kelli jerked her head up, confused and a little angry “b-but dad! you made me watch” he rolled his eyes and heaved a sigh “come on now Kelli why would i do that, that is very private special time for me and your mom, and here you are watching and now lying about why you did, do i need to remind you what happens when you lie, cause i thought we just covered that” Kelli whimpered and shook her head, her dad smiled and let her off his lap “good glad to hear it, dont let it happen again” he chucked her under her chin “now get up and make some dinner, your mom will be home soon.

Hentai: [PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948)

[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 1[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 2[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 3[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 4[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 5[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 6[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 7[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 8[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 9[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 10[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 11[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 12[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 13[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 14[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 15[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 16[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 17[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 18[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 19[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 20[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 21[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 22[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 23[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 24[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 25[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 26[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 27[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 28[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 29[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 30[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 31[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 32[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 33[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 34[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 35[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 36[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 37[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 38[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 39[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 40[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 41[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 42[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 43[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 44[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 45[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 46[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 47[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 48[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 49[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 50[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 51[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 52[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 53[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 54[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 55[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 56[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 57[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 58[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 59[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 60[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 61[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 62[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 63[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 64[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 65[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 66[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 67[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 68[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 69[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 70[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 71[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 72[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 73[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 74[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 75[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 76[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 77[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 78[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 79[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 80[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 81[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 82[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 83[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 84[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 85[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 86[PIXIV] べる?FANBOX始めました? (10206948) 87

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