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Willie: Och wow Lisa that was amazing

Lisa: Yes it was amazing I'm Glad I could do that for you Willie

Willie: Me too Lisa Me too

Willie: Now I would like to do something for you

Lisa: What?

Willie: Lay down and lift your legs open for me

Lisa lays down and spreads her legs, Willie moves closer

Lisa: What are you doing?

Willie: I'm going to eat your pussy Lisa

Lisa: Eat me?

Willie Yes I am going to lick and suck on your pussy and make you cum

Lisa: Oh Ok

Willie leans down and gives her pussy a lick

Lisa: Wow that feels great Willie do it again

Willie licks her pussy again

Lisa: Oh My god keep doing it

Willie licks he pussy again

Willie: Lisa hold your pussy open for me

Lisa opens her pussy for Willie and Willie licks her pussy from bottom to top

Lisa: Wow that felt awesome what was that?

Willie: Tha was your clit Lisa

Lisa: My Clit?

Willie: Och aye Lisa your clit or clitoris

Lisa: My Clitoris

Willie: Aye this little bump at tha top gives great pleasure like this( Willie licks her clit)

Lisa: Oh My God Keep doing that Willie

Willie: If you think that felt good try this (Willie sucks on her clit)

Lisa: Screams Willie keep doing that and you will make me cum

Willie keeps sucking her clit while her pushes a finger into her pussy

Willie: Oh so tight and wet

Lisa: Oh Willie what was that

Willie: That is your cherry or hymen

Lisa: My Cherry

Willie: Och aye your cherry means your still a virgin I can break it with my finger or my cock

Lisa: isn't your cock too big to fit in me I'm only small

Willie: You will stretch so do you want me to break it with my finger or my cock?

Lisa: Um Your cock please

Willie: Ok Lisa this will hurt the first time then it will get better I promise you and I will stop if it hurts too much ok

Lisa: Ok Willie

Willie: Now since you are already wet I won't need any lubrication

Lisa: Lubrication?

Willie: Och lubrication makes it easier to slide my cock into you since you are soaking wet I won't need any just lay there and I will be as gentle as I can ok

Lisa: OK

Willie Lines his cock up and slowly pushes into Lisa's tight little pussy

Lisa: Oh god

Willie: Lisa are you ok?

Lisa: Yes I'm Ok just a bit full

Willie: Yes you are Lisa now I'm at your cherry are you ready for me to break through?

Lisa: Yes

Willie: Ok Lisa I will go slowly tell me to stop if it's too much

Lisa: Ok Willie

Willie slowly pushes deeper and hit her cherry again

Willie: This is it Lisa are you sure you want to do this?

Lisa: Yes I'm sure

Willie: Ok here I go

Willie pushes hard and pops her cherry

Lisa: oh Fuck it hurts Willie Please stop

Willie stops pushing

Willie: Are you ok Lisa?

Lisa: Yes I just need a few minutes I have never had anything that big in there I feel so stuffed

Willie: let me know when you want to continue

Lisa: I'm ok now Willie you can go deeper just go slowly

Willie pushes deeper Lisa now has 7 inches in her

Lisa is puffing Oh god damn your huge Willie,

Willie: Yes I am Lisa do you want any more?

Lisa: Yes just remember to go slowly

Willie: Aye Lisa

Willie slowly pushes forward sliding another 2 inches now she has 9 inches in her

Willie: Lisa you have 9 inches of me in you do you want the last 3

Lisa: Yes Willie

Willie goes slow as the last 3 inches slide into Lisa's pussy

Willie: Lisa you have all of me inside you how do you feel

Lisa: like someone has shoved a baseball bat up inside me you are so long and fat

Willie slowly starts to thrusts in and out Lisa moaning OH so good Willie, Willie goes a little faster, How does it feel Lisa Oh Keep going faster Willie and harder Willie picks up speed as he thrusts harder and deeper in to Lisa's 16yo Pussy

Lisa: Oh yeah Keep going Willie I'm Going to Cum

Willie thrusts harder and faster his balls slapping her ass harder and harder till Lisa screams


Willie: I'm about to come to Lisa do you want me to cum inside you or pull out

Lisa: Inside me please Willie I'm too young to get pregnant

Willie: OH Lisa I'm Cumming in your Pussy Lisa

Lisa: OH GOD I'm Cumming again Willie

Willie cums deep inside Lisa as Lisa cums again

Lisa: WOW Willie that was amazing

Willie: Och aye Lisa It was amazing

Willie slowly slides out of Lisa as he does a river of cum pours out of her stretched pussy

Lisa: Willie so much come is coming out

Willie: Och yes it is Lisa Because you are stretched open don't worry your young so it will close up again soon until then here put this towel under you to catch any cum

Lisa lifts up and pulls the towel under her. Analfucking H Image Part865 Of A Pretty Little… After Willie has helped Lisa in and he closes her door and slowly walks around to his door and gets in slowly.

Hentai: Attack Of The Zombie

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