Stepbrother Angel Beats! ANGEL DIARY – Angel Beats Ass Worship

Why? I don’t know, just because
Maybe we were watching TV next to each other or something
My hand would just be resting on your leg
But being a naughty horny fellow, I think it would probably start wandering
Rubbing down the inside of your thigh
I suppose at some point it had gone down your tracksuit
Maybe you didn't notice
Feeling the soft tender inside of your thigh, running my fingers up to the edge of your panties
And tugging at them a bit
Letting the fabric pull across you
Running my hand down over the front of them
From top to bottom
Letting my fingers feel into your creases
And someone has been thinking about this too, because they are a bit wet already
And warm to the touch
Feeling my finger slip underneath the elastic edge
And running itself across your smoothly shaven pubic area
You wanting me to go a bit further down, but not yet
Then taking my hand out, and realizing that wow, you have no top on
Surely that's not an accident, I bet take a feel of those
And run my hand up your stomach to the underside of your also warm breasts
Run my finger along the bottom crease and around the outside, then tracing a circle around your nipple
I would so want to just ravage you at this point
But that's no fun
Take your nipples into your fingertips as I would be and squeeze them and release
Twist them a little bit
Pull them out and let them back
Rub your fingers spread out a bit over them, feeling each finger as it rubs over the tip
Your panties now quite wet with your juices
I reach back down and take your panties into a bunch with my hand and pull them up, as they pull together and run up your pussy lips
Feeling as they get tugged into you, and rub against your clit a bit
And I think its time those track pants came off
So you lift your hips a bit and I slid them down your legs part way
As you set your butt back down and I glide both my hands over your now exposed thighs
My head going down to kiss your belly button
And traveling its way up your stomach until it hovers over your right breast
I exhale softly onto your nipple; you feel its warm moist air caress it
As I lean further and extend my tongue and lick to the left and then the right of it
And then lightly touch the tip of my tongue onto the very tip of the nipple
Pause for a moment and then swirl it around the entire circumference
My hand now going down between your legs, which you've involuntarily spread a bit
Rubbing up and down your panties
My mouth now going down on your nipple and areola entirely and pulling it into my mouth, suckling a bit
As I then release and kiss up your neck until I am nuzzled next to your neck, as I take my hands to remove your tracksuit completely
Which you are very happy to oblige
As you reach over and help me remove my shirt
Your hands run down my chest until you reach my best, which you unclasp
You can tell my cock is hard and waiting for you as it is pushing against the fabric and making itself known
As you undo the button and the zipper fly, then help to pull down my pants, it springs free
You take it into your hand as I take my hand to pull aside your panties and start rubbing your wetness all up and down your pussy lips
And then you lift your hips as I pull your panties off
Your skin looks nice in the light as I spread your legs further and examine just how incredibly wet you are
My fingers run up your lips and over your clit as you gasp a bit
At the sudden direct sensation
I spread your legs further as I bend down in front of you
My tongue making contact below your opening, taking up your juices and running up along one side, and then the other
You settle further down on the bed
As you bring your hands to the side of my head, urging me on
My tongue begins exploring in earnest
My hands spreading your lips wide so it can dart lightly against your vaginal opening, then pushing its way in
My fingers then rubbing against your clit in straight then circular pattern
Tingly waves of such sensitivity running up your spine
As you feel the heat of my tongue and mouth against your already warm pussy
I lick a finger and then run it up and down your lips before pausing in front of your opening, then pushing in one finger
First a knuckle then the middle, then the whole finger
You feel so tight
And yet so wet and slippery, I slide my finger out and then back in
My thumb against your clit
My other hand fondling your breast
One finger goes to two as you start to really push against the finger thrusting
Then I pull my fingers out as I lift your knees up a bit, and your hips to slide a pillow under
I pull my self up next to you
As I let you reach down and take my hard cock in your hand
And hold it against your opening, guiding it
As I see the look on your face I push forwards
It starts to enter and with a quick little noise it's in
You feel its fullness
As I push deeper I enjoy the warmth and grip as you flex your muscles
I press on until I’m in all the way
And then withdraw
I grab your hips as I push back in
You moaning a little each time in and out
You grab your breasts as I start to thrust harder and faster as they bounce
The sensations running up your entire body
As my hard cock swooshes its way up inside you in your now pretty dripping pussy
My balls slapping against your ass a bit, my one hand now coming down to your clit again
As I fuck you in and out
I pull out, and roll over on my side, you're far too much for me, and I need a breather, but you’re not done with my cock yet
You lie up, and reach over to my cock and stroke it up and down a few times making sure its still up for it
As you roll one leg over the top of me and straddle my legs
Run your hands down my chest and to my cock, which you bend down and take into your mouth, sucking on your own tasty juices, while taking your free hand and fondling my balls
You let it go against my stomach and shift forward and run you wet pussy lips over the top of it
And rock forward and back
The sensations on your clit are excellent
But you want it inside you again, so you move back a bit, and pull it upright, as you lower yourself down onto it
It slides easily into you now
As you ride up and down at your own pace
I reach up and fondle your tits and finger your perky little nipples
As you move your hips forward and back and side to side, feeling intuitively and generally my cock head rubbing against the sides of your vagina
You lean back, pressing the head against your g-spot, as you press down onto your lower abdomen, pressing it against my hard cock
You rock forward and back over my hard cock while you fondle one breast and my hand runs over your clit
The sensations are more than you can bear and you start cumming
Your mouth quivering and then verbalizing uncontrollably
As I feel you tighten your grip in waves against my cock
The feeling incredible
I pull you off me, I don’t want to come yet, and knowing I cant keep up with you, I have you go on all fours, sweat now glistening all over your entire body
I get behind you, and have you press your stomach down, an arch to your back, exposing your swollen lips dripping to me
As I press my face towards you, you immediately get enchanted again
My tongue probing into your vagina
And down over your clit
Having you on all fours, I lick my finger and press it against your sphincter; the thousands of nerve endings go crazy at the feeling of my wet finger running along it
I spread your ass cheeks as I again press my face forward and press my tongue forwards towards your amazingly clean little star fruit anus
As my tongue runs around it in circles and presses against it you shiver at the new sensations
I tell you to push out, relaxing your sphincter as I press my tongue into you, you squeal a bit; it feels so different, and yet so amazingly good
I go back to licking your pussy lips and opening as I again moisten a finger in your pussy juices and press it against your hole, and telling you to push
I press against it and slowly but then surely it slides in to the first knuckle as I hold it there for you to adjust
I then press it on further, as a little gasp and then the word to keep going
Fully in I then take and pull it nearly out before back in again
The feeling of the finger against the side of your muscles is amazingly sensitive
My tongue against your clit still equally titillating
You beg for mercy, too much! You can't take it
You beg for it to end, you legs are like spaghetti noodles; your pussy is just drenched, so I relent
You flip over onto your back and prop up against the headboard
As I come forward
And you take my cock in your hand, still wet from your juices and leaking its own precum
You guide me into your mouth
And start to bob down on my shaft
As I get heavier and heavier breathing I let you know you've been amazing and I’m about to cum and ask if I can cum all over your pretty face
You nod, cock still in mouth
As you take it out, mouth still open, licking the underside of my head, your hands working up and down the shaft until my balls tighten up and you shut your eyes as it lands on your eyebrow and dribbles down, your nose, and your upper lip
You lick it from your lip and taste it, sweet and aromatic
I slide down next to you
And hand you a nice little towel
Though I think we'll both need a shower…. Go to page .

Hentai: Angel Beats! ANGEL DIARY

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